The Alder Research Group has received an R01 grant the National Institute of Aging (R01AG065879, “First-in-class Peptide Therapeutics for Mitochondrial Disorders: Molecular Mechanism of Action and Optimization of Design”). This is a five-year grant in the amount of $2.5M to support the development and analysis of therapeutic compounds for aging-related mitochondrial disorders.
New Grant from the Barth Syndrome Foundation
We have received a $50K grant from the Barth Syndrome Foundation, “Development of Mitochondria-Targeted Peptide Compounds as Barth Syndrome Therapeutics. This work will explore a library of compound variants optimized as therapeutics for treating dysfunctional lipid biogenesis of Barth Syndrome patients.
New Grant from NIGMS
The Alder Group has received an R01 grant from NIH General Medical Sciences (R01GM136975 , “Mitochondrial Membrane Compartmentalization”) for $774K over two years. This is a multi-PI grant with the group of Dr. Steven Claypool from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
New PhD Graduate
PhD candidate Melissa Brundin has completed her dissertation “Investigation of the Protein-Membrane Interactions of the Tim23 Channel Subunit” and did a remarkable job at her defense. Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Brundin!
New PhD Candidate
Wayne Mitchell passed his qualifying exam and is now an official PhD candidate. Congratulations, Wayne!
New Site Launched
We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. Built on the the university Aurora service, this new version of our site sports a modern look, faster loading times, and works on all mobile and tablet devices.
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